Kalinga Group of Institution (KGI), Jajpur, Odisha has recently concluded its first education conclave in Vysanagar Sanskruti Bhawan premises. Dignitaries from state and central administrative services, educationists, intellectuals, journalists, and entrepreneurs were present. The topic of discussion was “whether 90% marks is the key to success” The discussion was held in three panels. The conclave was inaugurated by KGI Chairman Er. Alexzander Das. Students, parents, and teachers enthusiastically thronged into the Sanskruti Bhawan premises to participate in the discussion.

The 1st Panel was a panel of Educationists in which Principal of Government Polytechnic, Jajpur, Rajendra Kumar Prusty, Principal of Korei Kanhucharan College, Dr.Mohan Charan Khuntia, Lecturer of Jhadeshwar College, Dr.Akshaya Panda participated as critics. Mr. Govardhan Nayak, Lecturer of Chemistry of Indira Gandhi Women’s College, Prakash Kumar Pital, and Ex-Faculty of Akash Institute also participated in the discussion actively. The panel concluded that percentage in terms of marks, does not define the ability of a student.

In the second session, young entrepreneurs Narasingh Nath Nanda, Nivedita Naik, RK Mishra, Siddharth Bhatt joined and suggested that instead of studying to get a job, you should study to learn skills. Skills are required for employment not marks. The 90% marks has no value in the absence of core competency and skill. So if you run behind scoring 90% mark and leave your skills behind, it would be too difficult to build a successful career, nowadays. Opportunities are the same to become a successful entrepreneur in India, where one’s core competency and skill matters.

The third session of discussion was held under the chairmanship of KGI Chairman Mr. Das in which retired senior IAS officer Narayan Prasad Das, Samarendra Sahu, Jajpur BDO Saurabh Chakraborty (OAS), and senior journalist Rajaram Shatpathy participated. In the discussion, it unanimously came out that in our modern education system, the basic need for education is fading away. Rather, Parents are indulged in putting pressure on their children to become an engineer and a doctor at any cost. Therefore students are being encouraged to chase after marks and their hidden talents remain unattended. Students from their childhood are compelled to choose a stream as their parents wish to be. It has posed a threat to the society nowadays. While encouraging students to get 90% marks, parents forget their responsibility to nurture the inherent talent of their children. Even teachers instead of recognizing the student’s talent are trying to confine them to books only. The critics were of the opinion that such mindset is only due to the commercialization of education.

The students of Kalinga Higher Secondary School who had a growth in terms of % of marks in 12th science in comparison to their 10th marks got felicitated. This year’s topper Bijaya Kumar Sahoo who secured a growth of 27% in comparison to the 10th Exam got felicitated and appreciated by all guests for his outstanding performance in terms of growth.

Since KGI through its social wings has been working in society, various social organizations engaged in social service like Keonjhar Jai Durga Foundation, Manab Seva Samiti, Dibya Charitable Trust, Usharg Jajpur Helpline, Vijaya Adarsh Foundation, Chakadola Helpline, Manorama Foundation, Thakurpatana Jubak Sangha, Chhatia Samajsebi Sangathan,Ame apananka pain Helping Group etc. were also felicitated for their outstanding social work.

Bishnu Charan Das, Principal, delivered the welcome speech on behalf of KGI while Sk.Anjar Alli, Chirasmita Das, Rashmiranjan Das, Tina Guru, Satyabrat Khilar, Praptitinanda Sahu, Diparani Chakra, Sadeka Khatun contributed in conducting the programme. Finally, Chief Administrative Officer Bijaya Prasad Nayak gave a vote of thanks to all invited guests and every member of the KGI Group for making the Conclave successful.